Original scientific paper

Influence of chemical properties of biomass plant agricultural origin on outlays energy incurred during the production of pellets

2014, 15 (2)   p. 54-61

Artur KRASZKIEWICZ, Magdalena Kachel-Jakubowska, Mieczysław Szpryngiel


In this study, was analysed made the measurements of the content of water, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and chlorine in plant biomass of agricultural origin in the context of the impact of these features on the energy expenditures incurred in its pelleting. For the examined raw materials statistical analysis results showed negative linear trend between energy expenditures and: water content, total sulfur and chlorine. Positive linear trend between energy expenditures and: contents of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Wherein the coefficients of correlation expenditures energy and: carbon, hydrogen and chlorine are significant p<0.05.


chemical properties of the biomass, compaction energy consumption, plant biomass

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