Original scientific paper

Fluorescence method for the assessment of homogeneity of granular mixtures

2017, 18 (4)   p. 851-863



This paper presents a consecutive stage of the research aimed at developing a methodology for the application of fluorescence to evaluate the homogeneity of granular and loose mixtures. At this stage it was examined which of the selected components of feeds are suitable to be use in the proposed method. The experiments were conducted with the use of three components: wheat, kardi, barley. Each of the materials was wet dressed with a solution of a fluorescent material. In the study the substances having the characteristics of fluorescence under UV light such as: tinopal, rhodamine B, uranine, eosin, were applied. The assessment of the homogeneity of a ternary granular system was performed based on the share of a tracer, which was a component coated with a fluorescence substance. In the method a computer image analysis was used. Based on the conducted observations and statistical calculations it was demonstrated that only kardi meets the requirements necessary for the application in the tested method. The remaining components: wheat and barley were excluded. Moreover, types and concentration of fluorescent substances were determined and the methodology was clarified.


fluorescence, homogeneity of mixtures, mixing, tracer

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