Short communication

Relationship between intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition of pork

2018, 19 (4)   p. 840-845

Mateja Pećina, Zoran Luković, Dubravko Škorput, Matej Bolčić, Krešimir Salajpal, Danijel Karolyi


This study aimed to determine the relationship between intramuscular fat (IMF) content and fatty acid (FA) composition of pork. The IMF content and the FA composition were determined in the samples (n = 30) of muscle tissue (m. longissimus dorsi) taken from the pig carcasses from the intensive pork production system in Republic of Croatia. The fat content was analysed by standard ISO method, while FA composition was determined by liquid gas chromatography using the in situ transesterification method. Results revealed the significant positive correlations and regressions of monounsaturated FA (MUFA) on IMF content, while reverse relationship existed between IMF and the most of the polyunsaturated FA (PUFA). Although there was a significant relation between the IMF content and the majority of individual saturated FA (SFA), the effect of IMF content on the proportion of total SFA in pork was not clear. This can be explained by the existence of significant correlations and regressions but with an opposite directions for major SFA-s, which shares in IMF were simultaneously increasing (e.g. 16:0) and decreasing (e.g. 18:0) with an increase in IMF content.


correlation, fatty acid, intramuscular fat, pork

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