Short communication

Change of feeding affects fatty acids profile of goat’s milk

2018, 19 (4)   p. 883-889

Michal Rolinec, Daniel Bíro, Milan Šimko, Miroslav Juráček, Branislav Gálik, Ondrej Hanušovský, Katarína Ondrejáková


Aim of this study was to analyse the effect of beginning of grazing on fatty acids (FA) profile of goat’s milk. In all milk samples profile of basic FA was determined. Proportion of “goaty flavour” fatty acids: C6:0, C8:0 and C10:0 in milk fat was the lowest (P<0.01) when goats were fed only indoors and was the highest when goats were 7 days on pasture. Proportion of C18:2 cis 6 in milk fat varied between sampling times from 2.54 to 2.63 g·100 g-1 FA. C18:3 n - 3 was the highest 1.25 g·100 g-1 FA when goats were fed only indoors, after 7 days of grazing decreased to 0.93 g·100 g-1 FA (P<0.01). On the other hand, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in milk was lowest 0.55 g·100 g-1 FA when goats were fed only indoors. After 7 days of grazing CLA in milk increased to 0.91 g·100 g-1 FA (P<0.01). During next sampling days CLA decreased to 0.65 g·100 g-1 FA. Development of SFA, MUFA and PUFA of goat’s milk after start of grazing was in this experiment different than published most of authors. However, described changes of fatty acids profile of goat milk confirm significant effect of beginning of grazing on milk fat composition.


beginning of grazing, fatty acids, goat, milk fat composition

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