Short communication

Research on influence of different non-protein nitrogen (NPN) compounds in beef cattle feeding

2019, 20 (1)   p. 31-35

Zvonimir Steiner, Ivana Klarić, Josip Novoselec, Željka Klir, Boris Antunović, Ivan Babić, Mario Ronta


The aim of the study was to investigate the activity of slow-release non-protein nitrogen compound with the enzymatic activity (SENPN) and to compare it with the activity of slow-releasing non-protein nitrogen compound (SNPN) in beef cattle feeding. The following indicators were monitored: body weight (BW), average weight gain (AWG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), trunk weight at slaughter (TWS) and dressing percentage (DP). Beef cattle were divided into two groups of uniform body weights; control group (CG) and experimental group (EG). The feed ration of the CG contained SNPN, while the feed ration of the EG contained SENPN. During the trial, three weights were performed to measure BW. The trial consisted of two parts: (i) the 1st part of the trial refers to the period between the first and second weighing, in which the feed ration of the EG contained 4.81% less starch per kg of dry matter (DM) compared to the feed ration of the CG, and (ii) the 2nd part of the trial was conducted in the period between the second and third weighing, in which the feed ration contained equal starch levels. After the third weighing, the beef cattle were transported to the slaughterhouse, where they were sacrificed, and subsequently the values of TWS and DP were measured. There were no statistically significant differences found for each of the measured parameters. In conclusion, the usage of SENPN positively affects the utilisation of nutrients in the mixture, e.g. feed ration.


beef cattle, feed conversion, gain, slow-release urea

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