Original scientific paper

Improvement in Production, Fruit Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Three Tomato Cultivars by Foliar Application of Tecamin Flower® Under Water Deficit Conditions

2020, 21 (2)   p. 379-385

Aziz AL-Shmmari, Mohammed Abood, Ghassan Hamdi


During drought, chemical elements in a fertilizer go into solution in the soil with difficulty and nutrients are less available to plants. Foliar fertilization with water soluble Tecamin flower®, a product containing chemicals needed by plants, compensates for nutrient deficiency by roots due to water deficit. The study was undertaken to evaluate impacts of foliar application of Tecamin flower® at 0 or 2.5 ml/l and deficit irrigation (50 or 100% of field capacity) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cvs. Bobcat, Finenss and Hadeer. The results showed that ‘Bobcat’ cultivar produced the highest vitamin C content, fruit firmness and total yield. ‘Finenss’ had the highest total soluble solids and water use efficiency (WUE). ‘Hadeer’ had the highest titratable acidity and the lowest pH. Plants irrigated at a 50% rate produced the highest vitamin C content, total soluble solids, fruit firmness and the lowest pH. 100% irrigation resulted with the highest yield and WUE. The plant treated with 2.5 ml/l Tecamin flower® produced the highest vitamin C content, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, fruit firmness, total yield, WUE and the lowest pH. Foliar application of Tecamin flower®, regardless of cultivar, improved production, fruit quality and WUE of tomato under normal and water deficit conditions and played a role in alleviating the negative impact of water deficit.


amino acids, genotype, Solanum lycopersicum, water levels

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