2005, 6 (2) p. 195-202
Sustainable Agriculture is a way of farming that can be carried out for generations to come. This long-term approach to agriculture combines effi cient production with the wise stewardship of the earth’s resources. It is imperative to investigate the general welfare and social well-being of farmers’ pattern of resources use as evidenced by their status relative to cassava and maize technologies. The main objective was to investigate the farmers’ personal, economic and socio- cultural characteristics as well as the contribution to their productivity. Structured interview schedules as well as in-depth study devices were used to collect data, which were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that use of technology contributed signifi cantly to explain the variance in the net benefi ts of the investment analysis on maize and cassava technologies. The study further revealed that Incremental Net Benefi t (INB) of maize technology (N39, 445.00) and cassava (N51, 562.50) were realized which are added values to the use of the technologies. It could therefore be concluded that effi cient use of resources of agricultural technologies contributed signifi cantly to some dimensions of members’ well-being and if technologies are sustained with full use of recommended inputs, it can alleviate the problems of peasant farmers and will obviously boost food production, as well as meeting the goal of being self suffi cient in food supply to the ever increasing population.
resource use, pattern and productivity
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