Short communication

Impact of glycine fortification of cassava leaves on the late instar larvae of eri silkworm (Samia cynthia ricini D.)

2023, 24 (2)   p. 464-469

Jekti Prihatin, Nadyatul Ilma Savira, Sisilia Dewi


The fortification of cassava leaves by adding nutrition is a recent technique in the ericulture study. Glycine is one of
the amino acids necessary for the growth of silkworms. This study aimed to analyse the effect of glycine fortification of
cassava leaves on the growth and development of eri silkworms. The parameters of this study were cocoon parameters,
the wingspan of imago, development time and mortality, and egg parameters of Samia cynthia ricini D. This study had four
treatments: control group, P1 group (adding glycine 0.5% on cassava leaves), P2 group (adding glycine 1% on cassava
leaves), and P3 (adding glycine 1.5% on cassava leaves). The early instar of Eri silkworm larvae was fed on castor leaves,
and glycine fortification was fed on the late instar of Eri silkworm larvae (fourth and fifth instars). Based on the results, all
parameters showed significant differences from the control group. Glycine fortification increased cocoon weight (2.03
± 0.62 g), extended the wingspan of the imago (12.15 ± 1.12 cm), shortened the development time (44.03 ± 0.84 days),
had no mortality, and increased the fecundity of eggs (134.80 ± 28.78 eggs). The most effective concentration of glycine
fortification on cassava leaves was 1.5%. Conclusively, cassava leaves with glycine fortification affect the growth and
development of eri silkworm.


glycine, eri silkworm, cassava leaves, cocoons, eggs

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