Original scientific paper

Diversity of leafy Brassica oleracea landraces from eastern Adriatic coast (Croatia): morphological characterization and glucosinolate content

2024, 25 (3)   p. 767-775

Branimir Urlić, Barbara Soldo, Sandra Šoše, Gvozden Dumičić, Kristina Batelja Lodeta, Ivica Ljubenkov, Smiljana Goreta Ban


Glucosinolates are compounds found in edible parts of Brassica crops and has been investigated comprenhensivley in last decades as have beneficial effect on human nutrition. Due to a lack of information, fifteen Croatian leafy Brassica landraces were evaluated for leaf glucosinolate content and morphological traits, and to find possible relation between them after field cultivation. Regarding morphological traits we found that most of the studied landraces belong to the collard morphotype with low curling density and leaf blistering and landraces showed high variability in leaf color. Regarding glucosinolates, we found a significant difference in these phytonutrients among landraces. Total glucosinolate content differed 10-fold between landraces with a mean value of 46,9 μmol/g leaf dry weight. Thirteen glucosinolates belonging to the three principal chemical groups were found, including seven aliphatic, four indolic and two aromatic glucosinolates. Seven compounds were found in all landraces. Correlation and multivariate analysis between morphological properties and glucosinolates content gave us limited conclusions, but obtained results provide a profile of kale and collard landraces phytonutrients useful for future research on nutritional value or breeding.


kale, collard, correlation, multivariate analysis

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