Original scientific paper
Yield and quality promotion of strawberry through chitosan and potassium combine spray under fluctuating sub-tropical winter
2024, 25 (4) p. 1065-1075
Khadiza KOLY, Joydeb GOMASTA, Kifyat KABIR, Sharmila MALLICK, Hasina SULTANA, Emrul KAYESH
Quality fruit production in strawberry having high nutritive and bioactive properties has got challenged in the tropics and sub-tropics due to the short and unstable winter conditions. Hence, the study assessed the vegetative and reproductive behaviors, and fruit bioactive properties of strawberry upon the blend application of chitosan (Cht) and potassium (K) at six varied formulations viz., Cht @ 0.6 g/L + K @ 2.5 g/L, Cht @ 0.8 g/L + K @ 2.5 g/L, Cht @ 1.0 g/L + K @ 2.5 g/L, Cht @ 0.6 g/L + K @ 5.0 g/L, Cht @ 0.8 g/L + K @ 5.0 g/L and Cht @ 1.0 g/L + K @ 5.0 g/L along with control (no spray of Cht or K) following a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results exhibited that Cht @ 0.8 g/L + K @ 5.0 g/L treatment had the superior vegetative response along with significantly maximum number of flowers (20.67/plant) and fruits (18.00/plant), and yield (322.50 g/plant) over others. Among the fruit bioactive compounds, total flavonoid content (21.87 mg/100 g FW) and total soluble solids (10.07%) were estimated maximum in Cht @ 1.0 g/L + K @ 2.5 g/L, while total anthocyanin (105.82 mg/100 g FW) and vitamin C (58.54 mg/100 g FW) in fruits were governed by Cht @ 1.0 g/L + K @ 5.0 g/L treatment compared to control. Therefore, regulated application of chitosan and potassium can be done to improve the yield and nutritive properties of strawberry under sub-tropical conditions.
Strawberry (Fragaria × annanasa), foliar feeding, vegetative growth, berry yield, bioactive compounds, temperature stress
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