Original scientific paper

Characteristics of Slovak amaranth varieties based on coding regions polymorphism and endophytic bacteria prevalence

2024, 25 (4)   p. 955-965

Dagmar Moravčíková, Matúš Kyseľ, Silvia Farkasová, Andrea Hricová, Veronika Štefúnová, Jana Žiarovská


Amaranth belongs to one of underutilized species with a potential to overcome some of the actual challenges of modern agriculture that is a part of very unstable environmental conditions. Here, two Slovak varieties of amaranth – Zobor (A. hypochondriacus × A. hybridus) and Pribina (A. cruentus) were characterized by Conserved DNA-Derived Polymorphism (CDDP), P450-based analogue (PBA) markers and Tubulin-Based Polymorphism (TBP) and by its most abundant endophytes. CDDP as well as TBP profiles showed very similar distribution of the generated fingerprints for both of the analysed varieties. PBA profiles generated the lowest value of polymorphism. A wide spectrum of amplicons was generated by all of the techniques used in the study with the length range of PCR fragments from 80 up to the 2292 bp. The variability of the endophytic composition of the Pribina variety showed the following three most abundant genera: Endobacter, Dichotomicrobium and Burkholderia. Abiotrophia, Endobacter and Limimonas were most abundant for Zobor variety.


amaranth, Zobor, Pribina, coding regions markers, endophytes

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