Review article

NATURA 2000 and Agriculture in the Area of Ravni Kotari in Zadar County, state and challenges

2024, 25 (3)   p. 842-851

Zoran Šikić, Marko Zorica, Ana Gašparović Pinto, Šimun Kolega, Šime Marcelić, Magdalena Baričević, Ante Blaće, Tomislav Kos


Ravni Kotari is registered as an area important for the conservation of endangered species and habitat types in Zadar County extends from Town of Nin and the Karin Sea in the northwest to the Krka River in the southeast, Bukovica region in the northeast and the City of Zadar in the southwest. It is an area characterized by agricultural production, especially in fruit and vegetable growing and more recently in viticulture, winemaking and olive growing. For the purposes of this work, scientific data and other sources were collected and analyzed, and the state and challenges in conservation and agricultural use were determined. The goal is to preserve a mosaic of agricultural areas with sustainable production as suitable habitats for the conservation of target species.


agriculture, habitats, Natura 2000, Ravni Kotari, target species

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