Original scientific paper

Evaluation and comparison of morphological traits in garlic as influenced by year and genotypic diversity

2024, 25 (4)   p. 978-987

Patricia Maria POPA, Sina COSMULESCU


The present study aimed to evaluate and analyse the variation of morphological parameters in garlic according to genotype and crop year, to obtain valuable insights for identifying genotypes with superior performance under specific environmental or cultivation conditions. Fifteen autumn garlic genotypes selected from the Oltenia region, Romania, and the registered 'Benone' variety, cultivated in the Craiova area, were evaluated over two consecutive years (2022 and 2023). The study's results revealed significant differences among genotypes for all analysed traits (bulb weight, bulb size, number of cloves), highlighting the influence of both genotype and year on these characteristics. Notably, genotype M15 exhibited the highest bulb weight (49 g). Local genotypes outperformed the registered variety, underscoring the superiority of the selected genotypes and their value for breeding or cultivation purposes. These findings provide important insights for selecting garlic genotypes based on specific environmental conditions and cultivation requirements. The information obtained may contribute to improving garlic production and quality in the Oltenia region, as well as promoting genetic diversity and crop sustainability.


Allium sativum, variability, bulb, morphological characteristics, Romania

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