Original scientific paper

Development potentials and SWOT analysis of organic animal husbandry in the Republic of Croatia and its comparison with the European Union

2024, 25 (3)   p. 647-660

Zvonko Antunović, Željka Klir Šalavardić, Danijela Samac, Krunoslav Zmaić, Josip Novoselec


The aim of this paper is to present the situation and create a SWOT analysis organic animal husbandry production in the Republic of Croatia during the last decade, research its development potential, and to make a comparison with the situation in other EU countries. Organic animal husbandry is constantly increasing in the Republic of Croatia (increase in number of cows, sheep, goats and ungulates), as well as in most EU countries. During the last decade, numerous activities/measures were undertaken which led to an increase in the area of used agricultural land under organic production, and now they occupy 8.57% of the total used agricultural area of the Republic of Croatia, while in the EU is 9.9%. The potentials for the development of organic animal husbandry production in Croatia are shown in the SWOT analysis and they are very good; not only because of the wealth of natural resources, various incentive measures, the preservation of numerous protected and GMO-free landscapes suitable for the aforementioned production, the abundance of neglected land areas that quickly could be put into use, regulated legislation; but also because of the emphasis on tourist destinations and friendly farming. In the EU countries, the need for better education of organic farmers as well as consumers of organic animal products is also emphasized, as well as raising the quality of coexistence with animals and the environment while preserving biodiversity, better distribution of incentives for this sector with opportunities for the development of numerous protected and rural areas.


organic farming, Croatia, European Union, state, SWOT analysis

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