2009, 10 (3)   p. 207-210

Peter Strapák, Zuzana Súkeníková, Peter Antalík


The aim of this work was evaluation of milkability in Holstein cows. We collected a total 63 milk flow curves, using electronic mobile milk flow meter – lactocorder. The measuring was carried out in cows from 5 to 305 days in milk. The average milk yield per milking was 15.63 kg, with average milk flow rate 2.84 kg.min-1 and average maximum milk flow rate of 4.49 kg.min-1. The average duration of incline phase was 1.09 min., duration of plateau phase was 1.82. min, and duration of decline phase was 2.26 min. Percentage of bimodal milk flow curves was 52 %, on average. The highest average milk flow rate (3.01 kg.min-1) and the highest average peak milk flow rate (4.96 kg.min-1) were found in cows in second lactation, in comparison with primiparous cows (2.87 kg.min-1, and 4.37 kg.min-1) and cows in another lactation (2.7 kg.min-1, and 4.3 kg.min-1).


lactocorder, milking process, milkability, dairy cows

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