Original scientific paper

Changes and trends of climate elements and indices in the region of Mediterranean Croatia

2013, 14 (1)   p. 236-249



Climate is complex ecological factor described by different climate elements and phenomena that effect development of vegetation and its natural distribution. Climate elements the most important for vegetation are air temperatures, amount of precipitations, air humidity and wind. The aim of this research was to determine trends and changes of climate elements in the region of Mediterranean Croatia. Meteorological stations with the longest monitoring period in the region of the Mediterranean Croatia were chosen in order to determine trends of the climate elements. Decreasing or increasing trends of individual climate elements and indices were analysed using linear trend of regression analysis. Climate elements and indices of the referent line were compared with period between 1991 and 2010. At all meteorological stations was found negative trend of annual amount of precipitations and Lang ́s rain factor. Exception was meteorological station Rijeka with increase of annual amount of precipitations and Lang ́s rain factor. Trends of air temperatures at all meteorological stations were positive. Values of Lang ́s rain factor in the researched region are decreasing resulting higher aridity of the region. Trends of potential evapotranspiration are significant and positive at all meteorological stations. Changes of air temperatures are more noticeable than those of precipitations, while changes of potential evapotranspiration are more noticeable than those of Lang ́s rain factor. Forest vegetation and crop plants of Mediterranean Croatia are adapted to certain climate conditions predominating in this region. This conditions change through time effecting growth and development of all organisms.


climate elements, climate indices, mediterranean croatia

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