Original scientific paper

Blood plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones of rabbits after apricot seed exposure in vivo

2016, 17 (4)   p. 1241-1252

Katarína MICHALCOVÁ, Marek Halenár, Eva Tušimová, Anton Kováčik, Ľubica Chrastinová, Ľubomír Ondruška, Rastislav Jurčík, Adriana Kolesárová


The present study describes possible changes in plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones induced by bitter apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) seeds in young female rabbits in vivo. Prunus armeniaca L. is an important medicinal edible plant species commonly known as “apricot”. The apricot is a member of the Rosaceae and subfamily Prunoideae. It is one of the most delicious and commercially traded fruits in the world. Apricot kernel is the inner part of the seed of the apricot fruit. The kernel is used to produce oil and other chemicals used for medicinal purposes. The seeds are potentially useful in human nutrition and for treatment several diseases especially cancer. In the present study apricot seeds were mixed with feed at different doses 0, 60, 300, 420 mg*kg-1 of body weight. ELISA was used to determine the levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL). 58-days application of apricot seeds did not affect the concentration (P≥0.05) of PRL, LH in blood plasma. Significant (P≤0.01) inhibition of FSH levels induced by the seeds was found at the dose of 420 mg*kg-1 but not at 60 and 300 mg*kg-1 of body weight. These results are suggesting that the natural substances present in apricot seeds may be involved in mechanisms of ovarian folliculogenesis.


amygdalin, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin

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