Short communication

The effect of cane girdling on berry skin phenolic concentration of three table grape varieties

2021, 22 (2)   p. 341-345

György Lukácsy, Szabolcs Villangó, Gyula Váradi, Edit Hajdu, Gábor Zanathy†, Borbála Bálo, Zsolt Zsófi


The effect of cane girdling on grape skin phenolic composition and concentration was examined on three Hungarian table grape varieties, i.e. noir-skinned 'Esther', rose-skinned 'Lidi', and blanc-skinned 'Fanny'. Girdling was conducted at the BBCH 75 phenological growth stage (pea-sized berries). A significant increase was observed in anthocyanin-glycosides in the treated berry skins irrespective of the cultivar. Other phenolic substances (gallic acid, trans-resveratrol, (+)-catechin, quercetin-3-glucuronide) were less sensitive to the treatment, but noticeable differences were found between the genotypes.


Esther, Lidi, Fanny, anthocyanin, phenols

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